






Service dogs

Service dogs

Dogs for the Disabled is a unique charity founded in 2007 to improve the lives of children and adults living with physical disabilities in Ireland. They deliver approximately 28 fully trained assistance / therapy-dogs each year to profoundly disabled partners. The...

NUIG Seminar

Delighted to be asked by the College of Science and Engineering, NUIG if I could be apart of a seminar focusing on disability and understanding more about accessibility. The College Director highlighted my book after hearing my interview on the radio over the break!!!

Employment and disabilities

Recently I’ve been thinking about my experience with employment since my injury and I’ve come to realise how much of a sense of fulfillment work gives us. It's now recognised that working has health benefits adding to self-worth,...

Everyday Life

The objective of this section is to give an insight, via a series of short videos, into the day-to-day challenges somebody with a spinal injury faces. The simple and mundane tasks and chores that most people take for granted become significant challenges.

Everything has to be relearned, or new methods learned from scratch with and without the use of aids.

this ablity newsletter

The newsletter will contain information and insights on the day to day life of a person living with a spinal injury, announcements and links to important events and publications.

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Copyright © 2024 Geraldine Lavelle