






Timeline of events since my injury.

Timeline of events since my injury.

Spinal cord injury October 2013. Rehabilitation until July 2014 Cheshire July 3month proposed stay until house in community became available. House in community identified 2017. Work on house seized to commence due to covid 2019-2021. Work recommences 2021-March 2023....

Lost in this system.

I have had so many health issues in the last 9years it is inconceivable for a 36year old.   But the part that I find challenging is NOT so much the health part but living in a system where there is no room for a person with a disability. I first was introduced to...

Have I changed as a person?

Have I changed as a person?

My situation may have changed, my body is different, but in many ways, I am still the same. The situation only highlighted my weaknesses and strengths. Learning to live with a disability is so complex in every way. I do think the situation will ask everything of you,...

Do you have an Indominable spirit?

Do you have an Indominable spirit?

Did Dickinson get it wrong? Maybe she should have written “The Indominable spirit is the thing with feathers that perches in all of us trying to find hope in this bleak world”. Does it take an undefeatable will to jostle the individual out of existential complacency....

Smart home devices to make your life easier.

Smart home devices to make your life easier.

Moving to my own home and starting over, is ripe with possibility but does not come without its next level of challenges. I’ve learnt there are going to be some roadblocks on my path to independent living but luckily nowadays there are many assistive...

Lifes pain.

Lifes pain.

Contrary to all logic and reason – emptiness hurts. You would not believe the pain and the suffering that can come from a thing which, by all accounts … is not even there. – Ranata Suzuki. Weighing in at three pounds on average, the human brain is more complex than...

Why I love to paint!

Why I love to paint!

It might sound too good to be true, but simply engaging in creative behaviours (even just colouring in trendy adult colouring books or doodling) improves overall health. A creative act such as crafting can nhelp focus the mind and has even been compared to meditation...

Everyday Life

The objective of this section is to give an insight, via a series of short videos, into the day-to-day challenges somebody with a spinal injury faces. The simple and mundane tasks and chores that most people take for granted become significant challenges.

Everything has to be relearned, or new methods learned from scratch with and without the use of aids.

this ablity newsletter

The newsletter will contain information and insights on the day to day life of a person living with a spinal injury, announcements and links to important events and publications.

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Copyright © 2024 Geraldine Lavelle